Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Do I need to buy any equipment or a rifle to start shooting ?
A. No, we have a selection of rifles and shooting equipment that is free for club members to use.
Q. How long before I can buy my own rifle ?
A. You will need to be an active member for at least 6 months before you pass your probationary membership. Once your probationary period is over, and we are happy that you are able to handle a weapon safely, you will be given full membership. You are then able to apply to the Police for grant of a firearms certificate.
Q. Can I start shooting on my first visit ?
A. Yes, we need to provide your details to the Police, but once you fill in an application form you can shoot.
Q. What nights do you shoot ?
A. PYE smallbore shooting club meets on Tuesday evenings from 7:30pm at the Elizabeth Way range. We shoot until around 9:00 - 10:00pm depending on numbers.
Q. Why are you called Pye - didn't they used to make TVs ?
A. Yes, Pye were a well known Cambridge based electronics company many years ago. Their sports and social club had a shooting team and most of the early members worked for Pye. The company was eventually bought by Philips and the name was lost but some members still worked for them. Over the years new members came and the older members left and now there are no members who work for the company. However the name stuck and everybody knows us as the Pye club so it seemed a good idea to keep it.
Q. How can I find out more ?
A. email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.