Rim Fire Range |
The rim fire range is is rated for 0.22 calibre rim fire rifles. It is equipped with 10 positions that allow shooting in prone, 7 of which also allow shooting from kneeling or standing positions and it is 25 yards long. We shoot .22 calibre target rifles in National Small-Bore Rifle Association (NSRA) postal competitions against other clubs. The club has a lot of standing Lightweight Sporting Rifle (LSR) shooters, but we also have members shooting the traditional prone competitions. There are summer and winter leagues and you can shoot in teams or as an individual. There is no requirement to shoot in competitions if you prefer just to shoot for fun. We have a section of rifles, scopes, gloves and jackets that can be used by new members so there is no need to buy any equipment until you are sure that you enjoy the sport. Prone competitions we shoot use a 10 bull card as seen on the right. We fire a single shot at each diagram and these are scored out of 10, giving a total of 100 possible score for each card. A new member can expect to be hitting into the 90s after a few weeks of tuition and practice and this will rise into the mid to high 90s over time. LSR competitions shoot 20 rounds at 4 larger targets, 5 shots to each card. There are 40 cards to be shot in a season. Several of our members have shot for Cambridgeshire and average above 98 for the season. |